Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

to to A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 THE CAMDEN POST. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1891. TWO THE A NES BURNED. Big Blaze on Upper Broadway, in New York Fifth Avenue and Hermann'e Theatres Burned. NEW YORK, Jan.

At 11:45 o'clock last night fire started on the stage of the Fifth Avenue theatre and burned with great rapidity. Three alarms were sent out in quick succession, but the inflammable material upon which the flames fed rendered the efforts of the firemen to save the building: a hopeless task. All of the elaborate scenery used in patra' Fannie Davenport's rendition of "Cleowas destroyed and the spread to Herrmann's theatre, which was also burned. The sporting goods establishment of J. J.

Crooks caught fire and six distinct explosions of powder held there in some form in stock were heard from the interior. and strong, Gilsey house, tanned, the corner of A breeze flames, Broadway and Twent ninth street, was threatened, as the wind drove 1 the flames up and across roadway. The firemen directed their attention to saving surrounding property, the theatre buildings being hopelessly wrapped in flames. Sturtevant House on Fire. At 12:50 a flaming brand borne by the strong northwest wind fell on the roof of the Sturtevant house, across Broadway from the Fifth Avenue theatre, setting that hotel on fire.

The guests were hustled out amid great excitement and conveyed to other? hotels. The firemen now devoted best efforts to saving the hotel. Harry Miner, lessee of the Fifth Avenue theatre. places his loss at $125,000. Magician Hermann says it cost him $65,000 to fit up his theatre.

Besides losing this he loses $25.000 worth of theatrical effects and costumes. At 2:15 the fire in the Sturtevant house was under control. The upper part of the hotel is badly damaged. It appears that roof of the hotel had been burning fifteen minutes before it discovered. total loss is estimated at about $500,000.

Fanny Davenport about $50,000 by the destruction scenery and costames. Snow Blockade Raised. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 3. All the railroads in this state which snow bound have been cleared and traffic was resumed on regular schedule time last evening.

The Burlington and Missouri Pacific trains which were stalled on the prairie near Atchison were reached by the relief trains. The trains were dug out from huge drifts and arrived here a little before noon. Beyond an unbroken tast for twenty four hours the passengers experienced no inconveni- ence. In Honor of O. Columbus.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -Representative Butterworth, of Ohio, introduced in the house a resolution requesting the president to invite the several states and territories to hold suitable memorial services on October 12, 1892, commemorative of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. Mine Victims Buried. WILKESBARRE, Jan.

The eight victims of the south Wilkesbarre mine disaster were buried in Hanover Catholic cemetery yesterday afternoon. Father McAndrews read the ritual of the Catholic church as the bones of the unfortunates were being lowered into the graves. Extradition Refused. BOSTON, Jan. Governor Brackett, after a prolonged hearing of the case has refused to grant extradition papers for the return to Pennsylvania of Clark Parker, who is charged with robbing the jewelry store of C.

R. Smith Sons, Market street, Philadelphia. Six Seamen Lost. MOBILE, Jan. 3.

-News was received by the schooner Union, which has arrived here, of the wreck of the British bark Topsy on Cayman beach on Dec. 18. The captain and five men were lost. Seven of the crew of the Topsy were rescued. Four Persons Burned.

CORSICANA, Jan. 3. The Avenue hotel, the old Loper house, was burned. On examination of the premises after fire the people were horrified to find the charred remains of four persons, a man, two women and a 15- year-old boy. He Wants Small Change.

WASHINGTON, Jan. Representative Kelly, of Kansas, has introduced a bill in the house to provide for the issue of $50,000,000 or fractional currency, and to increase the volume of currency to that extent. CRAMER HILL Notes from Our Neighbors In That Flourishing Suburb. Amity Lodge No. 166, 1 L.

0. 0. meets this evening in the W. C. T.

Hall, Dudley. Frank Phillips, of Barnegat City, who was visiting friends on High street, and was taken seriously ill, has recovered sufficiently to return to his home. Miss Emma Schuck, daughter of the hotel keeper, is very ill. Joseph Whittaker is making an addition to his shoe establishment at Third and Master streets. George Lang.

late organist of the German Lutheran Church, of North Cramer Hill, who ocoupied a position with a New York firm will shortly return home. Mr. Alfred Reed, of Rosedale, was last evening tendered a pleasant party by a large number of his friends, who assembled at the residence of Mr. Wm. Holt, of Dudley, and proceeded to the Reed domain.

Miss Miriam McCommons will be given 8. pleasant party, on Thursday evening next by a large number of her young friends. Revival services will be held in the Dudley Methodist church under the charge of the pastor, Rev. George H. Neal, Jr.

Cyrene Castle, No. 8, K. G. ha ve secured new headquarters in Enterprise Hall, Cooper and Penn avenues. Mr.

and Mrs. Tinker, of First street, entertained their Sunday school classes on New Year's night by a stereopticen exhibition and were called upon by the Ladies' Guild of the St, Wilfred P. E. Church. Miss Mary Ryan, of Masonville, is visiting Mr.

Martin J. Ryan, of State street. Services in Dudley M. E. Church tomorrow at 10.30 and 7.80.

The Pastor, Rev. George H. Neal, will preach. Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered in the morning; even ing subject, "'God Asking for Reason." The Week Prayer will be observed in the First Baptist Church every evening at 8 o'clock under the direction of the pastor. Services in the First Baptist Church morning and evening.

Pastor Martin to preach in the morning on Prodigal;" in evening Pastor Brown, of the Third Baptist Church, of Philadelphia, will preach. The Lord's Supper be observed after the preaching services. REPORT OF THE Condition of the Camden Safe Deposit Trust do, JANUARY 1st, 1891., ROYAL POUR ROYA BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength.

U. 8. Government Report. Aug. 17, Condition of the Public Treasury.

Receipts and Expenditures, WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. The reduction in the public debt during December, as shown by the monthly statement issued from the treasury department, is 005,397. The total debt, less cash in the treasury, is $862,430,541, and of tnis amount $619,019,740 is interest bearing debt. The net cash or surplus in the treasury, including subsidiary coin, is $57,571,812, against about $55,000,000 on Jan.

1, 1890. Receipts from all sources from July to Dec. 31, the first half of the current fiscal year, aggregated in round numbers $211,000,000 or $18,000,000 more than for the corresponding six months of 1889. Customs receipts for the past six months aggregated $124.240,195, but for the next six months in the aggregate will fall perhaps $20,000,000 short of this amount. Fifteen millions of this will be due to the losses from sugar duties during the last quarter of the current fiscal year, and $5,000,000 from loss of revenue due to the extended free list of the present tariff law.

Indications, however, point to a customs revenue of $221,000,000 during the year. Internal revenue receipts during the past six months aggregated $75,022.785. Government expenditures during the past six months aggregated in round numbers $200,000,000, or $25,000,000 more than expenditures during the corresponding months of 1889. Of this increase in expenditures compared with the first half of the preceding fiscal year, more than $11,000,000 is due to prepayment of interest on bonds redeemed. Pension payments during the past six months aggregated $69.001,970, against $61,380,063 during the first half of the preceding fiscal year, COLD AND HUNGRY REDS.

Red Cloud's Ogallalas Coming into the Agency to Get Warm--Reassuring Reports. OMAHA, Jan, Specials from Pine Ridge are of a most reassuring nature. Forty of Red Clond's men came into agency and gave themselves up to the authorities. They that all of old Red Cloud's Ogallalas intend returning today. They report great suffering from cold and hunger among the poorly clad Indians who fled from the agency with nothing but their guns.

It was rumored last evening that Gen. Brooke had engaged a small band of hostiles in a skirmish and that several were killed. There is no confirmation of The companies of Nebraska militia are already on duty at Long Pine, Chadron and. Hay Springs, and others have been ordered to Gordon and Crawford. The entire militia force is under arms and will be moved to the front at once unless more reassuring advice is received.

Settlers between the railroad and the reservation are greatly alarmed over the reported that 100 Indians were seen creeping along the railroad. The stage and freight outfits made daily trips unguarded between Rushvilie and Pine Ridge. FEDERAL FINANCES Castigates the Executors. NEW YORK, 3. -Mrs.

Fayerweather, whose husband, Daniel B. Fayerweather, after leaving $2,000,000 to colleges, left about $1,500,000 each to three executors, filed a petition for the appointment of a temporary administrator of the estate. In it she severely castigates two of the three executors, including the decedent's counsel, Thomas G. Ritch, but asks that the third, Justice L. Bulkley, be made temporary administrator.

Columbus Threatened by Fire. COLUMBUS, Jan. 3. The large manufacturing establishment of the Ohio Buggy company, at Fourth and Naghten streets, was almost totally destroyed by fire last evening. A brisk wind was blowing and the destroying element spread so rapidly that for a time the whole section of the city in that vicinity was threatened.

The flames were extinguished after three hours hard battle by the firemen. The Joss aggregates $175,000, Charged with Murder. ST. JOHN, N. Jan.

Cameron has been arrested charged with the murder of George Williams, of Belldune, Gloucester county, who disappeared a month ago when he had considerable money in his possession. Williams was last seen at the house of 'Antoine Pietre, who with his family has also been arrested. from Gilroy, Santa Cruz, Modesto, Stockton and a number of other points indicate that the earthquake yesterday was quite generally felt in Central California. No damage is reported. A California Earthquake.

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3. Reports Ingalls Returns to Washington. ATCHISON, Jan. -Senator Ingalls has left for Washington in response to an imperative telegram from Senators Edmunds and Hoar that party necessity demanded his presence in the national capital.

The Weather. Colder; generally fair; northwesterly call. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Adjourns Till Monday. Jan.

Both branches of WASHINGTON, met and adjourned until Monday. house only 110 members responded to connoil has voted 100,000 marks Art exhibition of 1891. eyrat, the French author and ad. He WAS born June 21, 1812, ames L. Hubbard was buried at yesterday.

He left an estate .000,000, which goes entirely to his SOD. Spatch from Shanghai announces the of Prince Ch'an. the father of the emor of China. Admiral Mason S. Cooper, of the Haytien navy, died at his home in Brooklyn yesteraged 48 RESOURCES.

Time loans and discounts. $608,018 61 Loans payable on demand 502,398 20 Bonds and 821,260 19 First mortgages on real estate. 240,725 00 Banking house and 16.000 00 Other real 588 00 Deposited with banks and bankers payable on de mand. 103,427 59 Cash and cash 172,720 24 $1,965,143 83 LIABILITIES. Capitai Stock paid 100.000 00 Surplus.

100.000 00 Undivided 73,455 13 Dividends unpaid. 172 50 Certified checks. 894 11 Individual 1,689,847 20 Due to 774 89 $1,965,143,83 William Stiles, Treasurer of the above company do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. WILLIAM STILES, Treasurer. Affirmed and subscribed before me this 2d day of January, 1891.

JAMES M. CASSADY, M. C. C. Correct Attest- S.

H. GREY, WILLIAM S. SCULL, WILLIAM C. DAYTON, Directors. CONDITION OF THE NEW JERSEY Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Camden, N.

at the close of business, December 31st, 1890. ASSETS. Loans on Collateral: Demand, $177,861 95 Time, 530 724 36 $706,586 31 Bonds and Stocks, 75,197 50 Banking Houses, Camden, Cape May, fixtures, and other Real Estate, 108,265 44 Due from banks, 25,907 99 Cash in Bank, payable on demand, $113,340 10 Cash in vault, 71,313 53 184,713 63 $1,102,670 87 LIABILITIES. Capital paid in. $100,000 00 Undivided profits, 51,006 59 Deposits, 951.664 28 The above account does not include Trust investments, which are kept separate and apart from the assets of the Company.

$1,102,670 87 STATE OF NEW JERSEY County of Camden. s9. Edward S. Hall, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDWARD S.

HALL. Sworn and subscribed before me, January 1, 1891. W. BAILEY. Master in Chancery.

Examined and found correct: E. A. ARMSTRONG, J. W. CHENEY, EDWARD BETTLE, Committee.

LOST. OST -LAST EVENING A SILVER on a gold fob. Return to 229 Cooper rt. reward. True Merit is Always Recognized THIS APPLIES TO Heckers BUCK WHEAT AMUsem*nTS.

WALNUT Matinees THEATRE, Wednesday, Thursday, New Years, and Saturday. W. J. SCANLAN, The Irish Minstrel. Court.

ALFRED HUGG, THOMAS Mo DOWELL JOHN GAUNT Judges. WANTS WANTED property, $1,800 AND ample $1,200 accurity ON PAL- 6 per cent. Address R. L. Temple, Palmyra.

or 36 S. 5th street, Philadelphia. 22 A housework. STEADY Call GIRL FOR general 205 Cooper, ANTED THE PEOPLE'S BUILDING, Loan and Saving Association requires the services of a reliable man to represent them them in this place. This is a good posttion for the right party, who must be able to furnish un-exceptional references.

Write at once. Jas. 0. Beebe, General Manager, Trenton, N. J.

2 2t TANTED- FIRST CLASS COOK, good reference. No others need apply Call Harned, 566 Federal street. Camden. 30 eod tf. IVE AGENTS WANTED TO CALL UPon clergyman, physicians, lawyers and business men, with a new and popular publication.

Good commission paid, large sales Addrese WM. J. MOSS, Collingswood, N. J. MENERAL Consolidated AGENTS Building WANTED FOR THE and Loan A880- clation of N.

Y. 85 Broadwav N. Y. Olty. rANTED RELIABLE.

ENERGETIC men to canvass and collect for an old Beneficial Association. Pays sick and funeral benefts. This is a chance to make $12 to $15 a week. Apply at office. 426 Market Camden.

ANTED- RAGS AND PAPER FAIR weight and little profit. All orders promptly called for. R. GREEN 272 Division street SPECIAL NOTICE. Camden, N.

-FIRST December NATIONAL 10th, 1890. BANK. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Bank, for the election of Directors, will be held at the Banking House, on Tuesday, the thirteenth day of January next, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. o'clock P.M.

18 th 4w WATSON DEPOT. Cashier. NATIONAL Bank. Camden, December 6, 1890. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Bank, for the election of Directors to serve the ensuing year.

will be held at the Banking House, Camden, on Tuesday, January 18, 1891, between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock. MARTINDALE, 18 th 4 Cashier. CAMDEN COUNTY PHAN'S COURT On application of Rebecca E. Sharp and Albert Sharp Urder to Show administrators of Hugh Cause. Sharp, deceased.

Rebecca E. Sharp, Administratrix, and Albert Sharp. Administrator of Hugh Sharp. deceased. having exhibited to this Court, under oath, a just and true account of the personal estate of said Hugh Sharp, is insufficient to pay his debts and requested the Aid of the Court in the premises.

it is on this twentieth day of December, A. D. 1890, ordered that all persons Interested in the lands, tenements and real estate of said Hugh Sharp, deceased, appear before the Court. at the Court House in the city of Camden, on the twenty first day of February, next, at ten A. to show cause why 80 much of the said lands, tenemeuts hereditaments and real estate of said Hugh Sharp, deceased, should not be sold as will be sufficient to pay his debts.

or the residue thereof, 8.8 the case may require, by the CEO, PEARCE, Proctor. GEO. S. WEST, Olerk. A true copy, Pr's fee 24 e6 th I SPECIAL NOTICES.

TOTICE FOR CREDITORS. AGNES A Gilmore, administratix with will annexed of John Christie, deceased, by diection of the Surrogate of Camden county, hereby give notice to the creditors of the said John. Christie, deceased, to bring in their debts, claims and demands against the estate of the decendent, under oath or affirmation, within nine months from this date: or they will be forever barred of any action therefor, against the said Administratrix. AGNES M. GILMORE.

Administratrix cum testamento annexo. Dated November 10. A. D. 1890.

lew-9w TOTICE FOR CREDITORS. JAMES Bishop and Jacob Lippencott administistrous of the estate of Seth C. Bishop. deceased, -by direction of the Surrogate of Camden the County, creditors New Jersey, hereby give notice to of the said Seth O. Bishop deceased, to bring in their deb ts.

cLaims and demands against the estate of the decedent under oath or affirmation. within nine months from this date: or, they will be forever barred of any action therefore, against the said Administrators. Dated August 13th A. D. 1890.

JAMES C. BISHOP, JACOB C. LIPPINCOTT, Adminis trators pr's fee IN TOTICE hereby OF given that SETTLEMENT the accounts -NOTICE of the IS Bradley Redfield, administrator of the estate of James H. Redfield, deceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate and reported for settlement to the Orphans' Court of Camden County, on Friday, the fiteenth day of November next. BRADLEY REDFIELD.

Administrator. GEORGE W. GILBERT, Proctor. pr's fee $3.00 TOTICE OF SETTLEMENT- -NOTICE hereby given, that the accounts of subscriber, Edward Kulon, executor of the will of Eleanor Rulon, deceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate and reported for settlement to the Orphans' Court of Camden county, on Friday, the thirtieth day ot January next. ELWOOD RULON, Executor.

Dated Nov. 29, A. D. 1890. pr's fee $5.25 next, WILLIAM ABELS, Administrator.

GEORGE H. PEIRCE, Proctor. Dated, Oct. 23, A. D.

1800. pr's fee $5.2 TOTICE hereby OF given, that SETTLEMENT the accounts -NOTICE of the IS subscriber, William Abels administrator of the estate of Charles G. Zimmerman. deceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settlement to the Orphans' Court of Camden County, on Saturday, the twenty-seventh day of December TOTICE FOR CREDITORS-Lizzie H. Bon'sall executrix of the will of Bartram L.

Bonsall, deceased, by direction of the Surrogate of Camden Co. New gives notice to the creditors of the said Bartram L. Bonsall, deceased, to bring in their debts, claims and demands against the estate of the decedent, under oath or affirmation' within nine months from this date; or, they will be forever barred of any action therefor, against the said Executrix. LIZZIE H. BONSALL, Executrix a ted Nov.

22d. 1890. pr's fee $3.00 TOTICE OF -NOTICE IS hereby given, That the accounts of the suhecriber, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth A. Williams, deceased, will be audited: and stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settlement to the Orphan's Court of Camden county, on Saturday, the Fourtenth day of November next. CHARLES H.

Adminisirator.FFICE THE LAUTH COMPOUND STEEL COMPANY, Room 26, New Jersey Trust Building. Camden, N. December 27, 1890. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockholders of The Lauth Compound Steel Company, held this day at the office of the Company, it was unanimously voted to decrease the capital stock of said Company from five hundred thousand dollars to five thousand dollars; and that a certificate of such proceedings of said meeting, duly acknowledged, be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the county of Caden, in which county the business of the Company is conducted, and that notice of said reduction, be advertised for three weeks, in the CAMDEN DAILY POST, a newspaper circulating in said County. Attest: ADOLPH S.

OHL, 29 mi Secretary, TOTICE FOR CREDITORS. SUSSA Lord, Administratrix of the estate of John W. Lord, deceased, -by direction of the Surrogate of Camden County, New Jersey, hereby give notice to the creditors of the said John W. Lord, deceased, to bring in their debts, claims and demands against the estate of the decedent, under oath or affirmation, within nine months from this date; or, they will be forever barred of any action therefor, against the said Administratrix, SUSAN S. LORD.

Administratrix. Dated Nov. 28th. A. D.

1890. pr'stee $5 00 DOBERT H. EWEN, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money Loaned on Mortgages, 82 North Third street. Established.

1878. HELTENHAM ACADEMY Near Philada: Bound Brook Route to NY. Unexcelled location and surroundings. Perfect schools equipment. Library, Gymnasium, Military System.

Through prepation for college or scientific school. Number limited to sixty. $500 per year. No extras, Illus. circular.

JOHN CALVIN RICE, A Prin. FFICE OF THE DELAWARE RIVER 0 Ferry Company of New Jersey. Camden, N. December 12, 1890. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Delaware River Ferry Company of New Jersey, and an election of Directors for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company, at Camden, N.

J. on Monday January 12th 1891, at two o'clock P. M. William R. Taylor, Secretary, CEALED will be SEALED the PROposals received by Court House Committee of Camden county, New Jersey, until 10 o'clock A.

of Chairman January of 12th, 1891, addreseed to the Committee for erecting of thirty six iron cells, also corridors, balconies, staircases. railings, connecting therewith in the County Jail, at Camden, N. J. Plans and specifications be seen at the office of the Solicitor, John Harris, 5th and Federal streets. Camden.

or by addressing the Chairman of the committee, also at Freeholders room. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ELLWOOD EVANS, Chairman, 2 3t Haddonfield, New Jersey, AIRST NATIONAL BANK, CAMDEN, N. December 31. 1890.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Bank, held this day, a Dividend of Four Per Cent. was declared, payable on demand. 2 3t WATSON DEPUY. Cashier. FFICE OF THE KAIGHN'S POINT and Philadelphia Ferry Company.

The annual meeting of the Stockholders of The Kaighn's Point and Philadelphia Ferry Company, and an election of Directors for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the company, Camden, N. on Monday, January 12th 1891, at 2 o'clock p. M. William R. Taylor, Secretary.

NATIONAL STATE BANK. Camden. N. December 9th, 1890. The annual meeting of the stockholders for the election of Directors, will be held at the Banking House, on Tuesday, the thirteenth day of January next, between the hours of eleven and two of said day.

18 th4w WILBUR F. ROSE, Cashier COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR J. H. GORDON Westfield above 722 Crame EGE OF EN tal Surgery. AND FILBER N.

W. COR. ADELPHIA. STREETS, 2 to 4 P.M. Hours from 9 to 11 alumimum.

Teeth made on gold, on as without plates rubber plates. Par Teeth Alled and MALERIAL ONLY CHARGE MADE FO CARPENTER AND TORN CORBITT Shop. 915 S. Broadway 5th street and Spruce Estibuilder. street.

Residence, ven. mates cheerfully EREBY GIVEN THAT IS ill be made at the next application Jersey Legislature for a session of the Nevige across the Delaware charter for br the cities of Philadelphia, river connecting Pa. and Taos. 8. SPEARMAN.

ATTENTION filling of blanks and execugiven papers under the new act. tion of Pensionle Washington, D. on A. TURNER. of Deeds, and Commissioner Notary Publi 810 Broadway.

28. 1. Open eveni FOR RENT. ROOMS AND SHED AT RENT I corner A. of William TANNEY.

and Wash- 2 2t the 8. E. $8. J. agton street, STORE AND DWELLING NOR RENtewly painted and papered, 301 5100mB, Pine street.

-FRONT ROOM FIRST FLOOR NO RENTS. Fifth street. Camden, old esNo. 115 hoe shop. Inquire at 107 9.

Fifth tablished siden. I street, Car FOR RENT North 30 Camden, NEW 6 bath, ROOMED cemented HOUSES cellars, gold paper, only $10.00 per month. J. S. JUSTICE 181 Main street.

NO RENT- -NO, 447 STEVENS STREET, 8 rooms, all the conveniences. Inquire S. W. cor. Fifth and Mickle streets.

TOUSES WANTED TO RENT. MORE applications than I can All. WALTER ZIMMERMAN. 206 Market -street. ENO RENT -525 ELM STREET, 8 ROOMS, bath, inclosed shed.

$18 per month, al conveniences. B. P. ACKLEY. 412 Elm St TO RENT.

House at Merchantville. $21.0 28 Division street, 7 rooms. 21 Linden street, 10 51 S. Sixth street, 5 30 N. Second street, 10 rooms.

FAIRFIELD JESSUP. 115 Market St. TO RENT. 930 Benson st, 8 $18 00 526 621 Cedar Cedar street, 8 rooms. 12 street, 8 625 Cedar street, 8 rooms.

217 Vine st, 9 rooms 282 Vine street, 7 rooms, 481 Elm st, 7 rooms. 206 York street, 8 rooms, bath. 407 Stevens st. 8 20 57 State 4 rooms, bath. 423 N.

Second st, 8 rooms and 511 Broadway, 7 rooms and 401 Elm 7 rooms and 18 16th and Federal 18 Fourth and Union ave, Pavonia. 13 D. SOMERS RISLEY. 111 Market street. FOR RENT-208 BECKET STREET rooms, conveniences, 265 Kaighn avenue, 8 rooms, convenience, 626 Line street, 10 rooms and stable, 17 S.

11th street, elegant order, $13.00. A DOBBINS 135 Kaighn avenue. 1114 RENT. 6 rooms, rent 267 Liberty street, 6 rooms, $900. 419 Atlantic avenue, $5 00.

572 Vanhook street, 6 rooms, $10. 508 Vanhook street, 6 rooms, $7.00. J. V. BARRETT, 450 Kaighn avenue.

RENT- 208 MICKLE STREET. Apply on premises. 3 1t RENT SEVEN ROOMED HOUSES, all conveniences, perfect order, near ferries, paved street. $14.50 and $16. Five room house, conveniences, $8.

WALTER ZIMMERMAN, 206 Market St NO RENT. 626 926 S. Point Ninta st, 6 6 rooms, bath, gas, heater $15 00 st, rooms, 19 847 Pearl st, 5 rooms, 140 rooms, hot and cold water 1120 S. 2d 4 rooms, 216 Chestnut, 4 rooms 10 584 Line st, 6 rooms. 10 830 Pine street, 4 rooms.

10 575 Division street, 4 rooms. 10 322 Cherry street, 4 rooms. 10 315 Pine street. 4 9 18 Bella Place, 4 room 9 223 Sycamore street, 4 9 50 1112 Carpenter street, 6 rooms. 8 50 823 Commerce st, 4 rooms.

(colored). 6 tO 8 5t C.E, NEWKIRK, 615 Broadway STORY FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen, terms moderate, 7 Huoson street, Camden 21 FOR RENT- A VERY LARGE, AIRY Light room, with Heat and Power, in THE POST Building. Possession given January 1st, next. FOR Sixth RENT NEW HOUSE, 821 NORTH street, 10 rooms, heater and all convenience. $18.

No. 590 Carman street 9 rooms. $18, Randal E. Morgan, 207 Market street. OF THREE ABOUT TO RENT A house, central, all conv, will rent 8 or 4 best unfurnished cheap, address this office.

OTS --15 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS IN H. Gordop. Commissioner of on easy Deeds and terms. In- Dudley, for sale cheap, surance. Westfield avenue above Second.

with RENT- bath and NEW enclosed SIX shed, ROOM on HOUSE, Trenton avenue, near cemented City Hall. Gold paper, gas and heater, cellar, in complete order Rent $15. R. HURD. 26 South Fourth street NO PER MONTH, 6 ROOM houses, range and bath, 5 rooms $8 per mouth.

Inquire at corner 10th and Pearl street; or J. ZIMMERMAN, 611 Walnut street. Philadelphia. tr RENT- 794 LINE STREET, 6 ROOMS brick, $10. 775 Pine street, 6 room brick $15.00.

1827 Fillmore street. rooms and summer kitchen, brick, $8.00. C. LETHERBURY, 1019 Broakway. NOR RENT--NO.

821 N. SIXTH STREET, 10 rooms, heater, all No. 508 Bridge avenue, 5 rooms, $12.00. RANDAL E. MORGAN, 207 Market street.

TORE TO LET 703 FEDERAL STREET Enquire Next door Moderate rent. mo RENT 8 ROOM HOUSES 610 N. 8th street, $13. C. W.

Cox, 826 Federal St. LET -STORE AND DWELLING, 517 Market street, Inquire 515 Market street TO RENT. Single and double offices. 837 Bridge avenue, 8 rooms, 50 673 828 Spring Spruce street, street, 4 4 rooms, rooms, shed, conv. 12; 00 208 Roden street, 4 rooms, 00 641 S.

Third street. 5 rooms, 12 00 937 Pearl street, 6 rooms, cony. 12 00 521 Borton street, 5 20 7 820 Broadway, 00 634 Locust street, rooms, conv. 9 00 715 Cherry st, 6 rooms and bath. 12 00 1108 Cooper street, 6 rooms, bath.

616 S. Second street, 5 rooms, 10 282 Chestnut street, 4 rooms, 11 00 1537 Federal street, 7 rooms, 00 802 Fern street, 6 rooms, 11 00 918 S. Third street. 7 rooms, 12 8 6 S. Second street, 8 38 Penn street, 6 rooms, 15 00 826 S.

Second street, 4 rooms, 00 1019 Segal st, 5 rooms. 11 00 See Telegram and Courier. C. H. FELTON 00., 201 Federal street.

Branch office, 340 Kaighn avenue, and 1100 North Second street. NO RENT. Store and dwelling, S. E. corner Third and Washington, fine stand, 10 rooms.

$83.00 421 Line st, 6 rooms, bath, gas, 416 550 Barley 7th rooms. bath st, rooms, bath, gas, eff 923 Pearl, 7 rooms, bath, gas, etc. 14 00 983 N. 2nd. 7 rooms, 1109 Cooper, 7 rooms, 22 418 8.

Sixth, 9 rooms, ater 1141 Penn, 6 rooms, hot and cold 8.50 383 Chester, 6 rooms 10 00 934 Elm, 6 rooms, bath ch, hot and 20 new houses, 6 rooms, 10 00 cold water. ESTMENT REAL ESTATE Camden. 313 Marke FOR RENT on $9,00. $10.00. Third street $18.

arket street, 2d and 3rd floor. Office 313 BAKER, Real Estate Broker. JAME 927 Broadway, Camden FOR SALE. JUSES FOR SALE. oper residences, 311 Penn street.

to 59 Cooper street. 118 State street. 822 N. Third street. 321 Pearl street.

608 Fourth St. Fourth St. 404 N. Seventh street. 522 N.

Ninth street 442 West street. 810 Chester street. 389 Point street. 618 Berkley st INVESTMENTS: First-class houses, well located, perfect order, well rented, paying large interest. EXCHANGE: Will exchange for Camden property, farm near Stroudsburg, Haddonfield, Penna.

Houses in Ridley Park, and farm in Delaware, farm in Kansas, farm in Elmer, N. and small store, and dwelling. Phila. will exchange valuable and paying property for vacant or unprofitable houses, large or small. Offices to rent.

Fire Insurance. Mortgages. More houses wanted for purchasers. WALTER ZIMMERMAN. 206 Market St.

SALE OR EXCHANGE WITH FOR property in Phila. House on S. Second street, Camden, also large corner Phila. lot. M.

E. MYERS, 2218 Ridge avenue, FOR SALE -AN OLD reason for selling. ESTABLISHED Admilk route; good dress Box 12, Daily Post. 31 6t ONE BROWN hands HORSE, high, sound SEVEN and YEARS kind old, in all harness perfect family horse, no further use for him. 119 ARCH STREET.

TOR SALE- -ELEGANT 8 ROOM HOUSE with all modern improvements terms suit. John abbins Son. 35 Kaighn ave. SALE OR TO RENT. Large and sinall houses in oll parts of the city.

FISLER WALTON, 825 Federal street Telephone 202. CRAMER HILL BUILDING LOTS from $50 to $900 on for cash. installments J. of CRAMER per $5 month. No deduction UDUBON BUILDING SITES, A 04 MILES OUT, Apply G.

A. ALDRICH. 319 Walnut hila. NOTE. Did you ever think Retail Clothing care and foresight how much cloth of various kinds Business of over Three Million we are apt to provide more than is required to provide for our Dollars? Exercising the greatest our needs.

We'd rather have too much than too little, even if a part is sold at a loss. To we have more than is needed, and that is why we make a Great Clearing Sale. BOILED DOWN FACTS More than we need, more than can be sold in the regular way, BOILED DOWN FACTS The knife goes into price to make every dollar sell in short BOILED DOWN FACTS time. We'll Not Get The Value We'll Not Get the Value We'll Not Get the Value The Profit Will Be in the Immediate Sale The Profit Will Be in the Immediate Sale The Profit Will Be in the Immediate Sale Men's Reliable Cassimere and Worsted Suits, Men's Reliable Cassimere and Worsted Suits, Men's Reliable Cassimere and Worsted Suits, The $18 and $20 ones down to $15 The 18 and 20 ones down to The -18 and 20 ones down to 15 Great Bargains in Fine the finest grades. $30 $25 and $30 ones 30 ones 30 ones down to $20 $20 ones to $15 down to 20 20 ones to 15 down to 20 20 ones to 15 Single Suits of a kind.

Every workmanship. A thousand and now and the price one -halt, The $15, $16 and $18 ones down to $12 The 15, 16 and 18 ones down to 12 The 15, 16 and 18 ones down to 12 The Fine Dress Worsted Suits, $25 down to $20 The Dress Worsted 25 down The Fine Dress Worsted Suits, 25 down to 20 Overcoats. The finest we ever $20 qualities the reduction is manufactured. The surplus of $5 and $10 on each Coat. Mail Order Suits returned.

rior trimmings, excellent to us. An accumulation just one made to measure. Supeone reasons why they come baok $35 Suits, $17.50 Single Coats $18 now $9.00 30 Suits, 15.00 Single Coats 15 now 7:50 25 Snits, 12.50 Single Coats, 10 now 5.00 The Surplus in Made to Measure Department is to be turned into mol clean discount of 15 per cent. on the regular low prices. Never in the history of clothes selling have we had a more attractive stock never have we offered to sell at such low prices as now.

WANAMAKER BROW OAK HALL. SIXTH AND MARKET WILDING 100 sale CHOICE by BUS Office K. ASAY Juncti TS Real FOR Estate and- Insurance, raistreet. Cram Westfield avenue and Fede HIll. ENT.

LARGE FOR small SALE OR ale R30 and building Dudley lot AND houses, DON. on at am er Hill, InS. Apply to J. H. id DIe.

above Second. FOR SALE. and dwe ng. 828 Federal street, store 627 Elm street, 9 rooms voms. 228 N.

Front street, 10 111 Market St. FAIRFIELD JESS FRENCH PLATE, -WINDOW Glass, for builders FOR Enameled and Colore 3, Varnish. A. dealers, Paints, reet. Camden.

C. LAMAR, Market ABLE NEW 4 TO FOR room SALE. brick propeto in ferries, Camden, good invest- nicely situated, convenient. Also houses to rent. ment to purch MiTE, Third and WashingApply to J.

8. ton streets. A FRAME 6 ROOM HOUSE $1250, ouly $150 in cash, balFOR payments. ance room house in Byron street, A in cash. $1850 new three story brick houses One de street, above Sixth, special bargain on Sed.

01801 Berkley street, 8 rooms and convenfene es. FELTON 201 1 Federal street. A JUMP mantown SEAT Rockaway CARRIAGE good AND A order, GER- to be sold at a bargain. 119 ARCH STREET. AND LOTS AT DUDLEY Cramer Hill and Rosedale.

F. BERRY, opposite Dudley Station, Cramer's Hill P. N. J. NOR BALE SEVENTY, 5, AND 8 room brick houses, in Camden, also three story brick houses at Mt.

Ephraim. also several lots. ELI B. MORGAN 800 Kaighn. FOR SALE 6 AND 6 ROOM HOUSES, on installments of $12 and $14 down and $12 and $14 per month.

Houses on 24th Cramer Hill. KEEN FRAZIER, builders, High street, above Cooper avenue. SALE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS from $100 to $250 on monthly install' ments. Also large and small houses, for sale and rent. Apply to GOODWIN RUDDEROW.

Hayes and Horner avenue, Cramer FOR dious SALE property THE southeast LARGE AND corner of COMMO- West and Stevens staeeta, Camden. N. J. Size 84x 100 fee t. with 22 rooms, bath and wash room, Steam heat throughout.

Formerly used by the Homeopathic Hospital. A good property for a publio institution or club house. Will be sold on easy terme. Apply to JOHN CAMPBELL. Jr.

227 Federal street, Camden, or JOSEPH ROBERTS. New Jersey Trust Building, 8d and Merket streets, Camden. FOR SALE- A BOYS 28 INCH SAFETY bicycle cheap, 41 Cooper street, Camden. N. J.

18 wl $10.000 FOR SALE sums ON to FIRST Apply MORT- to FAIRFIELD JESSUP, No. 115 Market street. YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME. YOU WANT TO OR INVEST IN REAL ESTATE. It will pay you to call on us.

We have 100 Houses, well built, for a reason able price. WM. O. SOUDDER SON. Lumber and Millwork, No.

25 Feder al street GREAT REDUCTIONS IN STOVES. -We have about75 STOVES which we are selling at a great reduction, Call and see them. HYDE 108 Federal Street, CAMDEN and AND after Oct. ATLANTIC 6,, 1890. R.

R. For Atlantic Oity, from Market Street ferry. Express, 4 10 and 6 weekdave, Sunday Accom. 8 00 a In. Accom.

4.00 p.m. Local trains from Philadelphia to Haddonfield, from Vine and Shackamaxon Street ferries, 6 30 week-days. Market 7,7 80, 8, 9, 10 50, 12 a 2, 8 00, 4 80, 4 00, 5 00, 6 80, 6, 7 80, 10.30, 11 m. Sundays, 6 00, 9.00 00 a 1, 4, 6 80, 9 80, 11. 45 m.

A. O. DAYTON, J. R. WOOD Suverintendent.


16, 1890. Chic FOR THE WEST. daily go, and Pittsburg, 8 15 a and 4 31 Oincit, ROYAL 782 nati, p.m. St. Louis daily.

and 85 4 24, 8 15 WASHINGTON BLUE LINE FOR BALTIMORE 81 and 11 85 a (140 two hour 4 and 31. 6 11 05 35 a 1 finy minutes to Washington, a 7 82 m. Sundays at 4 24. 8.15 Express for m. 481, 605 and 7 32 m.

6 way 15 station 1. Baltimore, stopping at principal a 10 a m. dally For way stations 7 85, For 8 15,8 Cheste 40, daily. and Wilmington, 4 24, 6.05, 6.15, 150,1 55, 3, 4 8 9 00, 10 05 and 11 85 a 12 noon; 10 10, 10 11 80 10 4 86, 5 10,5 80,6 05, 6 80, 7 82, 8 10, 8 80, 00, 05. 7 8 Sundays at 4 24, 6 15.

8 15, 4 25. 6 05, 6 80, 4 35 a m. 13 noon: 1 55, 3, 4 31, For 7 Chester 4. Suns 8 10, 10 10 and 11 80 m. and m.

way stations only, 7 10 a tels Baggage and residences cauca ave at 7 p.m. checked from hopany, on orders lefty Union Transfer ComChestnut street, at ticket offices, 833 Chesnut streets, 1209 corner Broad and Third street, and at statsecond 609 South J. T. ODELL, Manager. Clion.


On and After MAIN Nov. 23d, 1890, New York Trains Leave Bro LINE. and Chicago a Striet Station. 12:20 Palace Cars; daily, Limited, of Pullman Fast noon. Pittl ning car to Chicago, lines daily, St.

11.40 Louis, a. m. Chicago burg and the West, ani daily dining cars to Cincinnati Exprese Western Express, dall st. Louis, 4.26 p. m.

Pacific Harrisburg Express, daily 7. West, 9.90 p.m. 7 522 00 a dally. daily Express. 480 a.

m. daily 25 Niagara, New York al Except Sunday. Mail Elmira except Sunday, daily 8 50 ad Hanover daily Williamsport expres oxo. m. Sunday, 11 40 a Erie Kane Express, Rochester daily 1 daily, 425 m.

a Lock m. Haven Express except Sunday, Express, daily, 11 25 m. 86 novo Hagerstown Express, week daily, 480 a.m. Re 8 50 A. m.

Express, lays, 11 40 a m. Memphis Express, daily Haily except Sunday 4 30, Winchester 11.40 a. 11.25 pm. Gettysburg Express vi daily p.m. except Sunday Sunday, 4 80, 8 50 and Harrisburg, except Lancaster Sunday, 11 Accommoder a m.

New Orleans Express, da tion, dally except 5 22 p.m daily. Harrisburg Accommoda except Sunday York, Sunday, 2 Hanover 44 p.m. and except daily Columbia except and York Sunday Espre Express, 11 40 a m. 5 22 m. except Sunday.

FOR NEW YO. Express on week days, 3 90, 4 0. 7.80, 8.20, 8 80, 0 50, 11 and 11 15, 4 40, 5 86, 6 50 Limited 19 Express, 1 40, 1.08 and 12 noon dining car 44, 2 80, 8240 m. with 6 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 20, 10.00 00 06, and 5, 6, 6 80. On Sundays 8 1 4 10, 5 1 18 01 night.

9 50. a 5 28, 0 12 80, 44, 6 50, 20, 820, (Limiter, 8 12, 8 4 50), 7 18 and 8 18 night. and 12 01 For Brooklyn, N. all through nect at Jersey City with boats of ins conlyn Fulton street, affording avoiding double direct fert nsfer to across New city. age and Express for Boston, without change m.

week dave. and 6.80 p. m. 10 DIVISION. For Manayunk, Conshobocken and town, 5 67.

7 12, 8 9 05, 10 25 and 11 1 25 1 80, 2 10, 3 36, 4 27 5 10, 5 55, 6 10 05, 11 87 m. On Sundays, 8 10, 0 10 20 a mil 10,3 85, 8.18,4 27, 5 40, 8 60, 8 0 910, 1020 m. For Norristown only 885 a and 4 10 week For Phonixville auly, 810. 6 25 week days. For Phonixville, Pottstown and Reading, 5 57, 8 85 and 10.25 a 8 10, 4 10, 5 10 and.

7 00 pm. Sundays, 9.28 For Pottsville, 5 57, 8 and 7 m. week day and 1 10 m. For Frankville and ville, 5 57 and 8 85 a days. Sundays, 110 FOR GERMANTOV Week days, 6 00, 6 81, 9 12, 9 10 05, 10 84 1 18, 2 00, 2 23, 2 55, 5 06, 6 28, 5 85, 5 47, 5 8 16, 9 10.

10 02, 10 85. On Sundays, 7 80, 18 40, 1 81, 2 00, 2:80, 2 6 00, 8 82, 7 80, 8 16, 8 Leaves Chestnut Hi 6 52, 7. 15, 7 35, 7 55 9 00, 9 16, 9 45, 10 a 12 26, 1 00, 1.8 4 46, 6 10, 5 86, 6 20 10 15, 11 11 and 11 6 9 28, 10 05 a an 4 00, 4 84. 5.00, 51 9 80 and 10 80 eave Germantor days, 8 12, 6 48, 8 83, 8 44, 8 56, 9 17 a 12 noon: 12 4 07, 88. 4 59.

5 8 81, 9 18, 10 27,1 Sundays, 7 80, 8 1 47, 2 18, 2 47, 6 58. 7 88, 8 18, 8- For Sea Girt, 81 Grove, Asbur 820 and 1118 Freehold only Express for Ea ton, 6 50 and Sundays, 7 084 ton, 6 50, 812 For Lembert For Easton on Express for Buff 7 03 daily. PHILADELP BAUTI Trains leav For Baltimore 8 81, 9 10, 10 20, 11 press) 3 46, 4 41, 6 575 For Baltimor 2) m. On Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 10 6 57, 7 40 08 12 08 nig! only, 6 and 11 80 m. For Richmond, 7 20 and 11 Exprees, 12.86 m), 12 08 days, 1 20 a and 12 03 ni For Points on Chesapeake and Cincinnati, sleepers coaches through at 710 For Cape Charles, Old Pol Norfolk, via New York.

Norfolk Railread, 10 28 a daily. NEW YORK. TRAINS LEAVE FROM MARKET Express for New York, vie Trenton, 9 00, am and 480 Accommodation for Jamesbu Amboy, 7 20 a and 400 for New York. For Point Pleasant 8:30 a m. Saturdays.

Express for Island Heights, 8.80 week days. For Sea Girt, Long Branch and 1 stations week days, at 7 20. 280 m. Sea Girt via Tre 4 80 via Jamesburg 7 80 a P.m For Brown's pines, 6 80 a 2 80, 4 00, 5 10, week day 9.15 a.m. Way trains for Trenton connect expreas trains for New York, 6 10, and 10 80 a 19 2.80, 8 80, and 7 80 p.m.: Sunday trains, 9 15 Way trains for Burlington, 6 10, 7, 74 10 80 a 12 noon; 1 3 80, 4 00, 4 5 10, 5.80, 6 00, 0 80, 7 80, 9 00, 10 80 a mIL Sunday 9 15 4 1 80, 5 4 m.

Express on week days, 8 a Way trains for Bordentown, 8 10, 7 7 10 80 a 10; 19 noon: 3 80, 8 80, 4, 4 80, 5, 6 80, 10 80, 11 45 pm. On Sundwy, 9 15 For 1 80, 5 Kinkora 45, 10 m. Express, weak days, 9. For Branch, 2.80, a in; 2. 80,4 80 1 12 noon; Hightstown, Bordentown, 7 20 ml 4 and 6 80 For days, Tuckerton 8 10 and pita, Far a.m., Bench Tuesdays, Haven and Barnegat City.

Thursdays and Saturday and days. 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesday and Fra For Medford. 8 20 and 40, 11 90 a aud 4.00 00 10 8 30,10 and 11.20 a 1. 2, 2 80, 3 30, 4, 4 30, 6 10, 35 80, 5 50, 6 10 0 80, 804 1 9.00, 00, 5 10 00 80 and and 11 45 m.

On Sunday, 15 a 10 80 pm. 12 For 80, Mt. 4 Holly, 80, 6 6 10, 80, 8 10, 6 00, 8 80, 8, 10, 80 11 Ana 10 46 10 90 On p.m. Sunday, A 500 and OFFICE, 307 Pederal street. E.

PUCE, Heneral Manager. J. R. WOOD General Pass, congress In the roll.

Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.