Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (2024)

Last Updated on November 4, 2023 by Diamanda S.

The Eight of Wands embodies a sense of rapid motion, progress, and dynamic energy. It symbolizes swift action, open pathways, and the arrival of quick changes.

Upright Keywords:

  • Swift action
  • Progress and momentum
  • Communication and messages
  • Travel and movement
  • Fast-paced changes
  • Expansion and growth

Reversal Keywords:

  • Delays and obstacles
  • Lack of progress or stagnation
  • Miscommunication or misunderstandings
  • Travel disruptions or setbacks
  • Halted or slowed-down plans
  • Overwhelm or scattered energy
Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (1)

Eight of Wands Description and Symbolism

The Eight of Wands in the Tarot is depicted with eight wands flying through the air against a clear sky. The wands are shown in motion, moving swiftly towards their destination. The imagery of the Eight of Wands captures a sense of speed, energy, and dynamic movement. The wands appear to be on a direct path, indicating the swift and unhindered progress of their journey.

Symbolically, the Eight of Wands represents rapid action and forward momentum. The airborne wands represent the quick and decisive nature of the situation at hand. This card signifies a time of accelerated progress and the arrival of swift changes in various aspects of life. It suggests that events are unfolding rapidly, and opportunities are presenting themselves with great speed.

The clear sky in the background symbolizes a sense of openness and freedom, indicating that the path ahead is unobstructed. The absence of obstacles suggests a smooth and effortless flow of energy. It implies that barriers have been removed, allowing for unhindered movement towards your goals.

Moreover, the Eight of Wands is often associated with communication and messages. The wands in flight can represent the rapid exchange of information, news, or ideas. This card suggests that important conversations, emails, or other forms of communication may be coming your way. It signifies the need for clear and concise communication to ensure effective understanding and collaboration.

Additionally, the Eight of Wands can symbolize travel and movement. The flying wands represent a journey or voyage, both literally and metaphorically. This card may indicate upcoming travel plans or a period of physical movement and exploration. It can also represent the progress and growth of projects or ideas, as if they are gaining momentum and propelling forward.

Interpreting the Eight of Wands: Upright Meanings

The Eight of Wands in an upright position represents a period of swift action, progress, and accelerated changes. It signifies a time of energy and momentum, where opportunities are arising, and significant strides can be made.

Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (2)

The upright Eight of Wands signifies a period of rapid movement and forward momentum. It suggests that things are happening quickly and events are unfolding at a rapid pace. This card often represents a surge of energy and a sense of urgency. It signifies that opportunities are arising, and it is crucial to act swiftly and decisively to make the most of them. It prompts you to embrace the fast-paced nature of the situation and seize the moment.

When the Eight of Wands is upright it also represents progress and growth. It signifies that projects or endeavors are gaining momentum and moving forward with great speed. This card suggests that your efforts are paying off, and you are making significant headway towards your goals. It encourages you to stay focused, maintain your momentum, and keep pushing forward. It serves as a reminder that consistent action and a proactive approach are vital for continued progress and success.

Furthermore, the upright Eight of Wands often symbolizes communication and messages. It suggests that important information, news, or opportunities may be coming your way swiftly. It signifies clear and concise communication channels that facilitate effective understanding and collaboration. This card prompts you to pay attention to messages, whether they are verbal, written, or symbolic. It encourages you to be open and receptive to new information and to communicate your own thoughts and ideas clearly and assertively.

When appearing upright, the Eight of Wands can also represent travel and movement. It suggests that you may be embarking on a physical journey or experiencing a period of significant movement and exploration. This card signifies a time of expansion and exploration, where new horizons are being reached. It encourages you to embrace new experiences, broaden your perspectives, and be open to different cultures or environments. It serves as a reminder to embrace the excitement and adventure that comes with travel and to embrace the opportunities for personal growth and transformation.

Money and Career (Upright)

In the realm of money, the upright Eight of Wands suggests a period of accelerated financial growth and positive momentum. It indicates that opportunities for financial advancement may arise suddenly and unexpectedly. This card signifies a time where investments, business ventures, or career decisions can yield fruitful results. It encourages you to take advantage of these opportunities by acting swiftly and decisively, as the window of opportunity may be brief.

Moreover, the upright Eight of Wands represents progress and success in your career endeavors. It suggests that your hard work, dedication, and expertise are paying off. This card signifies that you are gaining recognition and making significant headway towards your professional goals. It encourages you to maintain your focus, capitalize on your skills and talents, and keep pushing forward. It serves as a reminder to stay proactive, embrace new challenges, and seize career opportunities as they arise.

Furthermore, the Eight of Wands appearing upright symbolizes clear and effective communication in the workplace. It suggests that you may experience an increase in meaningful interactions and productive exchanges with colleagues, superiors, or clients. This card signifies that your ideas and contributions are being heard and valued. It encourages you to express your thoughts and opinions assertively, as they can have a positive impact on your professional growth. It also prompts you to be receptive to feedback and open to collaboration, as teamwork can lead to favorable outcomes.

In addition, the upright Eight of Wands can represent a period of expansion and new opportunities in your professional life. It suggests that your career may take an unexpected and exciting direction, opening doors to new ventures or areas of expertise. This card signifies that you may find yourself venturing into uncharted territories or exploring fresh avenues for professional growth. It encourages you to embrace these opportunities for growth, take calculated risks, and trust in your abilities.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

In matters of love, the upright Eight of Wands suggests a period of rapid progress and positive momentum in your relationships. It signifies that new romantic opportunities may arise or that an existing relationship may quickly move to the next level. This card indicates a time of passion, intensity, and heightened romantic energy. It encourages you to embrace the fast-paced nature of the situation and be open to love’s swift and transformative power.

The upright Eight of Wands also represents clear and effective communication in your relationships. It suggests that open and honest dialogue is key to resolving conflicts and deepening emotional connections. This card signifies that your words and intentions are being heard and understood by your partner or potential love interest. It encourages you to express your feelings, desires, and needs clearly and assertively. It also prompts you to actively listen and be receptive to your partner’s communication, fostering a strong and harmonious bond.

Also, the Eight of Wands in an upright position can symbolize exciting developments and positive changes in your love life. It suggests that your romantic journey is on a fast track, and you may experience rapid shifts or progress in your relationships. This card signifies a time of passion, adventure, and spontaneity. It encourages you to embrace new experiences, be open to exploring new depths of intimacy, and let go of any fears or hesitations. It serves as a reminder to seize the opportunities that come your way and to actively participate in shaping the course of your love life.

When appearing upright, the Eight of Wands can also represent a period of increased physical and emotional connection in your relationships. It suggests that the passion and chemistry between you and your partner may intensify. This card signifies a time of heightened sensuality, deep emotional bonds, and romantic excitement. It encourages you to be fully present in your relationships, to explore your desires and fantasies, and to nurture the spark of love. It reminds you to prioritize quality time together, engage in heartfelt conversations, and create opportunities for shared adventures.

Health and Wellbeing (Upright)

In terms of physical health, the upright Eight of Wands signifies a period of vitality and rapid improvement. It suggests that you may experience a surge of energy and a renewed sense of well-being. This card represents a time of accelerated healing and recovery, where your body is responding positively to treatments or lifestyle changes. It encourages you to maintain your momentum, stick to healthy habits, and continue taking proactive steps to support your physical well-being.

The upright Eight of Wands also symbolizes mental and emotional energy. It suggests that you may experience a boost in mental clarity, focus, and motivation. This card signifies a period where your mind is sharp, and you have the mental agility to tackle challenges and make progress. It encourages you to harness this mental energy to set and achieve goals related to your well-being. It reminds you to engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as learning, problem-solving, or creative pursuits, to maintain your mental well-being.

Furthermore, when the Eight of Wands is upright it can represent a time of swift progress and positive changes in your overall well-being. It suggests that you may be making rapid strides towards a healthier lifestyle or achieving personal wellness goals. This card signifies a period of breakthroughs, where you are shedding old habits and embracing new, healthier ones. It encourages you to continue on this path, as the positive changes you make now will have a lasting impact on your well-being.

Additionally, the Eight of Wands in an upright position may symbolize the importance of momentum and consistency in maintaining good health. It reminds you that small, consistent actions can accumulate and lead to significant progress. This card encourages you to remain dedicated to your self-care routines, such as regular exercise, nutritious eating, and stress management practices. It prompts you to keep up with healthy habits, even during busy or challenging times, to ensure the long-term maintenance of your well-being.

Interpreting the Eight of Wands: Reversed Meanings

The Eight of Wands in a reversed position represents a slowdown or obstruction in the energy associated with this card. It suggests a delay in progress, a loss of momentum, or a need to address miscommunications or disruptions.

Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (3)

When reversed, the Eight of Wands may indicate a delay or lack of progress in various areas of life. It suggests that the swift action and forward momentum represented by the upright Eight of Wands are currently hindered or blocked. This card may signify that your plans or projects are not moving forward as quickly as you would like, and you may encounter frustrating obstacles or setbacks along the way.

The reversed Eight of Wands can also represent a loss of momentum or a stagnant period. It suggests that the energy and enthusiasm that were present before may be waning. This card may indicate a time where you feel stuck or lacking motivation to pursue your goals. It may be necessary to reassess your approach, identify any obstacles that are impeding progress, and find new ways to reignite your drive and determination.

When the Eight of Wands is reversed it may also suggest miscommunication or a lack of clear direction. It signifies that messages may be misunderstood or communication channels may be disrupted. This card prompts you to pay attention to the clarity of your communication and to be mindful of any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations. It may be necessary to take extra care in expressing yourself and to seek clarification in your interactions with others.

Additionally, the reversed Eight of Wands can represent a need to slow down and regain balance. It suggests that the fast pace of life may be overwhelming, and it is crucial to take a moment to pause and reassess your priorities. This card encourages you to find moments of stillness and contemplation amidst the busyness. It may be necessary to address any burnout or exhaustion you are experiencing and prioritize self-care and self-reflection.

Money and Career (Reversed)

When it comes to finances, the reversed Eight of Wands indicates a potential delay or stagnation in your financial progress. It suggests that your financial goals may not be moving forward as quickly as anticipated. This card may indicate setbacks, financial obstacles, or a lack of opportunities for growth. It reminds you to reassess your financial strategies, be cautious with investments or financial decisions, and take proactive steps to address any financial challenges.

Moreover, the reversed Eight of Wands in career readings suggests a loss of momentum or obstacles in your professional growth. It signifies that progress or advancements may be delayed or hindered. This card may indicate challenges in the workplace, such as project delays, communication breakdowns, or a lack of support from colleagues or superiors. It encourages you to remain patient and persistent in the face of these obstacles, seeking alternative approaches and strategies to overcome setbacks.

The Eight of Wands in a reversed position can also symbolize miscommunication or a lack of clarity in your professional interactions. It suggests that messages may be misunderstood, important details may be overlooked, or communication channels may be disrupted. This card prompts you to be mindful of how you communicate with colleagues, superiors, or clients. It advises you to double-check information, seek clarification when needed, and ensure that you are expressing yourself clearly and effectively.

Also, when the Eight of Wands is reversed it may signify a need to slow down and reassess your career trajectory. It suggests that the fast pace or overwhelming demands of your career may be taking a toll on your well-being or hindering your progress. This card encourages you to take a step back, evaluate your priorities, and ensure that your career aligns with your personal values and aspirations. It may be necessary to make adjustments, seek work-life balance, or explore alternative career paths that offer more fulfillment and satisfaction.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

In matters of love, the reversed Eight of Wands indicates a potential delay or stagnation in romantic progress. It suggests that the swift movement and progress associated with the upright Eight of Wands may be hindered or blocked. This card may signify that your romantic endeavors are not moving forward as quickly as you would like, or that you are experiencing obstacles or setbacks in your relationships. It reminds you to be patient, as love requires time and effort to grow and evolve.

The reversed Eight of Wands may also mean a loss of momentum or a period of emotional stagnation in your relationships. It suggests that the energy and passion that were present before may be waning or lacking. This card may indicate a time where you or your partner may feel less motivated or enthusiastic about the relationship. It may be necessary to address any issues or conflicts that are causing stagnation and actively work towards reigniting the spark and regaining momentum.

In addition, when the Eight of Wands is reversed it may suggest miscommunication or a lack of clear direction in your romantic connections. It signifies that messages may be misunderstood or communication channels may be disrupted. This card prompts you to be mindful of how you express your feelings and needs, as well as how you listen and interpret your partner’s communication. It advises you to seek clarity, openly communicate, and address any misunderstandings to foster healthy and harmonious relationships.

The Eight of Wands appearing in a reversed position can also represent a need to slow down and reassess your romantic journey. It suggests that the fast pace of your love life may be overwhelming or hindering your ability to connect deeply. This card encourages you to take a step back, reflect on your relationship dynamics, and ensure that you are giving proper attention to nurturing emotional bonds. It may be necessary to prioritize quality time together, engage in heartfelt conversations, and create space for emotional intimacy.

Health and Wellbeing (Reversed)

In terms of physical health, the reversed Eight of Wands indicates a potential delay or stagnation in your healing or overall well-being. It suggests that your progress towards better health may be slower than anticipated or hindered by certain obstacles. This card may signify setbacks, a lack of energy, or difficulty in finding the motivation to pursue a healthy lifestyle. It serves as a reminder to reassess your approach, seek professional advice if needed, and make necessary adjustments to get back on track.

Concerning overall wellbeing, the reversed Eight of Wands suggests a loss of momentum or a period of stagnation in your self-care practices. It signifies that your energy and motivation to prioritize your wellbeing may be waning. This card may indicate a time where you feel less inspired or enthusiastic about maintaining healthy habits. It encourages you to examine any barriers or challenges that are hindering your progress and to find ways to reignite your motivation to prioritize self-care.

Furthermore, the Eight of Wands in a reversed position can highlight a need for clear communication and understanding about your health and wellbeing. It suggests that there may be miscommunication or confusion regarding your health-related decisions or treatments. This card prompts you to seek clarity, ask questions, and ensure that you are fully informed about your well-being. It also encourages you to communicate your needs and concerns to healthcare professionals, as open and honest dialogue is crucial in guiding your journey towards improved health.

When appearing in a reversed position, the Eight of Wands may also signify a need to slow down and reassess your approach to your overall wellbeing. It suggests that the fast-paced nature of your life may be taking a toll on your health. This card encourages you to take a step back, evaluate your priorities, and find ways to create balance and nourishment for your mind, body, and spirit. It reminds you to prioritize self-care activities that promote relaxation, stress reduction, and rejuvenation.

Learn More About the Suit of Wands

Examples of Eight of Wands Tarot Cards

Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (4)
Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (5)
Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (6)
Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (7)

Previous Card: The Seven of Wands

Next Card: The Nine of Wands

Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (8)

Diamanda S.

Diamanda is a well-known cornerstone in the realm of Tarot reading and education. With an innate ability to connect the earthly realm with the esoteric, Diamanda’s interpretations are a blend of tradition, intuition and modern psychology. She believes in empowering others to apply the Tarot’s wisdom for self-discovery and decision-making. Diamanda is a sought-after speaker and educator, often found hosting workshops and webinars to share her knowledge.


Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings and Symbolism (2024)


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